Transcendent Glow Poem Lyrics in English

 In the ethereal hues where dusk meets dawn,

God's transcendent glow, a celestial spawn,

A luminescence painting the sky's expanse,

In every hue, a divine dance.

In the first blush of the morning light,

God's radiance breaks the veil of night,

A golden palette in the horizon's flow,

In the transcendent glow, a celestial show.

In the shimmering stars that dot the night,

God's glow weaves dreams in soft moonlight,

A cosmic tapestry in the vast array,

In each constellation, God's art on display.

In the iridescence of a butterfly's wing,

God's beauty unfolds in fragile spring,

A spectrum of colors, a sight to behold,

In the transcendent glow, miracles unfold.

In the silent reverence of a forest deep,

God's presence lingers, secrets to keep,

A whispered hush in each rustling tree,

In the transcendent glow, serenity free.

In the tranquil waters of a placid lake,

God's reflection, a mirror to partake,

A shimmering surface, a calming sight,

In the transcendent glow, nature's might.

In the laughter that echoes in joyous sound,

God's glow enfolds, love knows no bound,

A radiant warmth in hearts aglow,

In the transcendent glow, spirits grow.

In the quiet spaces where silence thrives,

God's presence glows, where the soul arrives,

A transcendent light, a celestial gleam,

In every whisper, in every dream.

In the dawn's embrace, where morning starts,

God's radiant glow, a masterpiece of hearts,

A palette of hues, a celestial show,

In the transcendent glow, love does bestow.

In the hues of sunset's fiery grace,

God's vibrant colors, a divine embrace,

A tapestry woven, skies do bestow,

In the transcendent glow, a heavenly flow.

In the gentle sway of the willow's bough,

God's whispering breath, a sacred vow,

A dance in the wind, a mystical spree,

In the transcendent glow, eternity.

In the ocean's depths, where mysteries lie,

God's shimmering light, beneath the sky,

A watery realm, where wonders grow,

In the transcendent glow, secrets aglow.

In the laughter that echoes, pure and clear,

God's joyous beams, dispel all fear,

A symphony of mirth, in life's ebb and flow,

In the transcendent glow, spirits aglow.

In the kindness bestowed from a stranger's gaze,

God's compassion shines in countless ways,

A gesture profound, that souls do know,

In the transcendent glow, kindness on show.

In the embrace of loved ones, warm and tight,

God's enduring love, a beacon of light,

A bond that endures, in highs and low,

In the transcendent glow, love does grow.

In the symphony of stars that adorn the night,

God's cosmic canvas, a wondrous sight,

A celestial ballet in the heavens' row,

In the transcendent glow, dreams bestow.

In the symphony of life's tender touch,

God's radiant presence, it means so much,

A quiet solace in life's ebb and flow,

In the transcendent glow, souls aglow.

In the quiet whispers of the soul's retreat,

God's guiding light, a presence so sweet,

A sacred essence that continues to grow,

In the transcendent glow, spirits bestow.

In the quietude of prayer and sacred vow,

God's transcendent glow, a divine bow,

A communion with the divine, aglow,

In the transcendent glow, spirits doth flow.

In the tapestry of existence, bright and wide,

God's transcendent glow, a celestial guide,

A radiant presence, that spirits do know,

In the transcendent glow, forever aglow.

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