Sovereign Silence Poem Lyrics in English

 In the hush of dawn, before the sun's first ray,

God's sovereign silence holds sway,

A tranquil stillness, vast and profound,

In every whisper, in every sound.

Amidst the bustling world's constant churn,

God's silence, a lesson to discern,

In the quiet spaces between each breath,

A sacred pause, a moment's depth.

In the tranquility of a misty morn,

Where dew-kissed petals grace the thorn,

God's presence lingers in quiet repose,

In the gentle breeze, where peace flows.

In the solitude of the starlit night,

Where constellations twinkle in quiet might,

God's silence echoes through space and time,

A cosmic serenity, sublime and prime.

In the untouched snow upon mountain peaks,

God's sovereignty in the silence speaks,

A pristine purity, a majestic sight,

In the stillness, a tranquil rite.

In the depth of oceans, tranquil and vast,

God's silence whispers, unsurpassed,

In the ebb and flow of tides and waves,

A serene cadence, a silence that saves.

In the heart's quiet chamber, where emotions roam,

God's silence offers solace, a sacred home,

A sanctuary within, a peaceful retreat,

In the tranquil space where souls meet.

In the pause between a sigh and a prayer,

God's silence embraces, beyond compare,

A moment of grace, a sacred release,

In the quietude, a divine peace.

In the melody of silence, a symphony rare,

God's presence dwells, beyond compare,

A sovereign silence that speaks volumes untold,

In the quiet, mysteries of the divine unfold.

In the hush of the world, where silence reigns,

God's sovereign presence quietly sustains,

Amidst the chaos, a tranquil space,

In the stillness, divine grace.

In the vastness of the cosmos, an endless expanse,

God's sovereign silence, a cosmic dance,

Beyond the stars, beyond the sky,

In the quietude, God's whispers lie.

In the quiet dawn before the day's start,

God's gentle whisper, a beating heart,

A silence pregnant with promises untold,

In every moment, a tale to unfold.

In the serenity of the mountain's crest,

God's sovereign silence, a divine quest,

A silent witness to time's fleeting song,

In every echo, where silence belongs.

In the symphony of the night's embrace,

God's sovereign silence, a sacred space,

Where dreams take flight on whispered wings,

In the quiet night, where solace sings.

In the depths of oceans, in their quiet deep,

God's sovereign silence, secrets keep,

A stillness profound, a tranquil lull,

In every wave, a silence full.

In the forest's whisper, a rustling tale,

God's sovereign silence, a mystical veil,

A symphony of leaves in quiet commune,

In every breeze, a sacred tune.

In the depths of souls where words expire,

God's sovereign silence, a soul's desire,

A language unspoken, profound and true,

In the silence, God's presence accrue.

In the quiet gaze of a loved one's eye,

God's sovereign silence, a heartfelt tie,

A language of love in glances exchanged,

In the silent bond, emotions arranged.

In the stillness that settles after the storm,

God's sovereign silence, a tranquil form,

A peace that follows tumult's spree,

In the silent aftermath, God's decree.

In the moments of prayer, in hearts sincere,

God's sovereign silence, a listening ear,

A space for reflection, for souls to be heard,

In the quiet communion, God's word.

In the spaces between notes in a melody,

God's sovereign silence, a symphony,

A pause that speaks in its absence profound,

In the silent interlude, God is found.

In the pause between breaths, a silent flow,

God's sovereign silence, a rhythm's glow,

A reminder of life in its subtle refrain,

In the silent breath, God does ordain.

In the sacred hush of a sacred place,

God's sovereign silence, an embracing grace,

A timeless presence, both near and far,

In the sovereign silence, God's avatar.

In the tapestry of existence, woven so wide,

God's sovereign silence, a quiet guide,

A presence felt in the stillness immense,

In the sovereign silence, God's eloquence.

In the sovereignty of silence, divine and whole,

God's presence abides in the silent soul,

A sanctuary within, a sacred alliance,

In the sovereign silence, God's compliance.

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