Sacred Symphony Poem Lyrics in English

In the sacred symphony of life's grand score,

God's presence resonates, forevermore.

Each note, a moment, a breath, a sigh,

In every melody, God's essence does fly.

In the sunrise's hymn, a vibrant start,

God's glory beams, touching every heart.

A crescendo of light that paints the day,

In the sacred symphony, God's display.

In the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze,

God's whispers speak through nature's ease.

A soothing rhythm, a calming spree,

In every sigh, God's symphony.

In the laughter that rings, joyous and clear,

God's chorus of happiness, ever near.

Harmonies of mirth that souls unite,

In the sacred symphony, God's delight.

In the tears that fall from sorrow's ache,

God's comfort weaves, each heartache to take.

A melody of solace in the darkest night,

In every tear, God's symphony of light.

In the symphony of souls, unique and vast,

God's love harmonizes, transcending the past.

A chorus of unity that binds us strong,

In the sacred symphony, where we belong.

In the silence profound, a hallowed space,

God's presence lingers, a serene embrace.

A melody of peace that serenades the soul,

In the sacred symphony, making us whole.

In the final cadence, as the day does end,

God's melody lingers, an eternal friend.

A symphony of life, in each melody,

In every moment, God's symphony, so free.

In the silent cadence of the universe's ballet,

God orchestrates a sacred symphony every day,

Each atom, each star, a note in divine array,

A celestial melody where souls find their way.

From the morning's first breath to twilight's sigh,

God's symphony resonates across the sky,

In the rustle of leaves and the birds on high,

A sacred chorus, an eternal lullaby.

In the whispers of prayers that seekers intone,

God's melody weaves through the unknown,

In the unity of hearts, in love fully grown,

A symphony of compassion, through realms yet shown.

In the laughter that rings and in tears that fall,

God's symphony echoes, encompassing all,

In the storms that rage and the peace that befalls,

A sacred arrangement, embracing the call.

Through the crescendo of life's ever-changing tune,

God's symphony plays, from midnight to noon,

In the harmony of diversity, under the moon,

A sacred rhythm, an eternal boon.

In the silence where thoughts and worries part,

God's symphony whispers into every heart,

In the timeless echoes that will never depart,

A sacred symphony, a divine art.

So listen, dear soul, to the symphony's grace,

God's sacred composition, in every place,

In the symphony's rhythm, find your embrace,

For in God's music, there's infinite space.

In the silence of the dawn's first light,

God conducts a symphony, pure and bright,

A sacred orchestra in nature's embrace,

Each note a whisper of divine grace.

The sun ascends, a conductor's wand,

Painting skies in hues so grand,

Each ray, a chord in the cosmic score,

A sacred symphony forevermore.

In the rustling leaves of ancient trees,

God's composition, carried by the breeze,

A melodic whisper, a tranquil plea,

In the sacred symphony, hearts set free.

The ocean's chorus in rhythmic waves,

God's masterpiece, each ripple craves

To join the song, the eternal dance,

In the sacred symphony's expanse.

In the laughter of children, pure and clear,

God's joyous notes, so sweet to hear,

A melody of innocence and delight,

In the sacred symphony, woven tight.

The stars above, a celestial choir,

God's symphony, a cosmic fire,

Each twinkling light, a hymn on high,

In the sacred symphony, reaching the sky.

In every beat of a compassionate heart,

God's rhythm plays, a healing art,

A harmony of love in every decree,

In the sacred symphony, unity.

The quiet moments, where souls commune,

God's whispers heard, a sacred tune,

A symphony of peace in the quiet night,

In the sacred symphony, love takes flight.

From the mountains' heights to the valleys low,

God's symphony flows, in highs and woe,

A symphony of life, in each breath's plea,

In the sacred symphony, eternity.

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