Oracles Echo Poem Lyrics in English

 In the sanctum where wisdom resides,

God's oracle echoes in the tides,

A voice of truth in whispers conveyed,

In every echo, guidance portrayed.

In the Oracle's chamber, where silence reigns,

God's wisdom speaks, its counsel maintains,

A reverberating truth in every flow,

In the Oracle's echo, answers bestow.

In the gaze of seers who seek the divine,

God's oracle whispers, an ancient line,

A prophetic glimpse, a mystical glow,

In the seer's vision, God's knowledge aglow.

In the riddle of stars that light the night,

God's oracle's answer, a cosmic insight,

A constellation's whisper, a celestial show,

In the starry oracle, mysteries grow.

In the echo of forests, secrets imbued,

God's oracle whispers in solitude,

A symphony of leaves in whispers bestowed,

In the forest's oracle, wisdom flowed.

In the murmurs of rivers that cascade,

God's oracle's wisdom, in waters conveyed,

A liquid counsel in currents that grow,

In the river's oracle, truths echo.

In the echoes of mountains, sturdy and bold,

God's oracle speaks, in echoes untold,

A solid resonance in peaks that glow,

In the mountain's oracle, guidance aglow.

In the enigmatic whispers of the wind,

God's oracle's voice, a message pinned,

A wordless language in breezes that blow,

In the wind's oracle, answers show.

In the chamber of the Oracle's domain,

God's whispers linger, a mystical refrain,

An ancient voice in cryptic tone,

In the Oracle's echo, secrets are sewn.

Within the temple's hallowed halls,

God's wisdom resonates, as silence falls,

A sacred presence in answers bestowed,

In the Oracle's echo, truths untold.

In the swirling mist, where visions play,

God's guidance shimmers, lighting the way,

A prophetic vision, a glimpse of grace,

In the Oracle's echo, futures embrace.

In the enigmatic gaze of the seer's eye,

God's insight gleams, no truth to deny,

A sage's wisdom in every glance,

In the Oracle's echo, destinies dance.

In the cryptic runes etched on ancient scroll,

God's enigmas revealed, a divine role,

A hidden message, a coded trace,

In the Oracle's echo, mysteries embrace.

In the echoes of chants within the shrine,

God's presence resonates, a sacred design,

A hymn of reverence, a celestial chase,

In the Oracle's echo, devotion takes place.

In the celestial alignment that patterns the stars,

God's cosmic dance, in celestial memoirs,

A celestial code in the cosmos' space,

In the Oracle's echo, galaxies trace.

In the whispers heard within the sacred grove,

God's verdant secrets, where whispers rove,

A symphony of nature in every embrace,

In the Oracle's echo, earth finds its grace.

In the ripples that form on the temple's pond,

God's guidance found, a message beyond,

A sacred reflection, a mirrored face,

In the Oracle's echo, wisdom we embrace.

In the call of birdsong, a mystical tune,

God's chorus resounds, a melodious rune,

A language of nature, in each embrace,

In the Oracle's echo, harmony takes place.

In the silence that blankets the divine space,

God's presence lingers, an ethereal trace,

A transcendent moment, a divine embrace,

In the Oracle's echo, souls find solace.

In the Oracle's chamber, where time stands still,

God's essence resonates, an eternal thrill,

A sacred dialogue in the timeless space,

In the Oracle's echo, divine grace.

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