Infinite Radiance Poem Lyrics in English

 In the boundless expanse where cosmos ignite,

God's radiance glows in eternal light,

A celestial ballet, a wondrous dance,

Each atom aglow in divine romance.

Behold the universe, a canvas so vast,

Where galaxies whirl, a symphony amassed,

In the cosmic ballet, a spectacle immense,

God's brilliance shimmers, a cosmic pretense.

From the nebula's birth to the stars' grand array,

In the cosmic glow, night turns to day,

In the twinkle of quasars, a celestial hymn,

Echoes of eternity in galaxies dim.

Supernovas erupt, a celestial flare,

Painting cosmic vistas with stardust rare,

God's touch revealed in celestial fires,

A tapestry of light, the cosmos admires.

In the dance of photons in the cosmic sea,

Particles pirouette in ecstatic spree,

Each photon a spark, each beam a grin,

In the cosmic radiance, God's presence within.

Planets orbit in celestial parade,

Around suns and moons, in orbit they wade,

Each orbit a grace, each rotation a spin,

In cosmic rhythms, God's love therein.

In auroras that dance in the polar night,

In the luminous trails of meteorite,

God's whispers heard in auroral sight,

A cosmic spectacle, a divine insight.

In the warmth of the sun's radiant embrace,

The Earth bathed in light, a celestial grace,

God's presence felt in every ray,

An infinite glow that guides the day.

In the silence of interstellar space,

Where celestial bodies find their place,

God's luminescence, serene and vast,

An eternal shine, destined to last.

Through cosmic dust and cosmic dreams,

In the cosmic symphony, where eternity teems,

An infinite radiance, a cosmic hue,

God's love enfolding me and you.

So gaze upon the cosmic sphere,

Feel the cosmic radiance drawing near,

In the infinite glow, souls align,

God's light, eternal and divine.

In the vastness of space, in galaxies afar,

God's radiance, a celestial memoir,

A symphony of light in cosmic embrace,

In the infinite radiance, we find our place.

In the boundless expanse where galaxies sway,

God's infinite radiance paints the day,

A cosmic dance of shimmering light,

In every dawn, in every night.

In the sun's golden embrace, a celestial sight,

God's brilliance beaming with pure delight,

A fiery orb, a radiant sphere,

Infinite warmth, drawing near.

From dawn's first blush to the twilight's glow,

God's light cascades in an eternal flow,

Illuminating skies in hues so vast,

Infinite beauty that forever lasts.

In the glimmer of stars that dot the night,

God's celestial jewels, a mesmerizing sight,

Twinkling tales etched in cosmic grace,

Infinite stories in infinite space.

In the crescent moon's soft, silvery sheen,

God's gentle touch, serene and keen,

A celestial smile in the quiet night,

Infusing darkness with tranquil light.

In the iridescence of the rainbow's arc,

God's vibrant palette, a celestial mark,

Painting the heavens in colors divine,

Infinite beauty in every line.

In the dance of auroras, a cosmic ballet,

God's celestial brushstrokes at play,

Infinite ribbons of shimmering hue,

A celestial canvas, forever anew.

In the bloom of flowers, a radiant bloom,

God's artistry in nature's room,

Petals unfurling with infinite grace,

In every blossom, a glimpse of God's face.

In the laughter that echoes, joy unconfined,

God's radiance in the heart and mind,

A spark of light, a boundless flame,

Infinite joy in each soul's claim.

In the kindness that glows in selfless deed,

God's radiance in every thoughtful seed,

A beacon of hope in times of dismay,

Infinite love that lights the way.

In the wisdom whispered by ageless trees,

God's presence carried in the rustling breeze,

Infinite secrets the forests hide,

In every leaf, God's grace resides.

In the embrace of loved ones near,

God's warmth and love so clear,

An infinite bond that forever binds,

In every hug, God's love unwinds.

In the quiet moments of inner peace,

God's radiance brings a soul's release,

Infinite calm, a tranquil trance,

In God's presence, life's eternal dance.

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