Eternal Whispers Poem Lyrics in English

In the cosmic dance of stars aglow,

Where heavens paint their celestial show,

Lies the embrace of the Divine's grace,

A celestial dance in endless space.

In the twilight hues of evening's shroud,

Where dreams take flight, where thoughts enshroud,

God's tender arms in constellations lace,

A cosmic hug, an eternal embrace.

Amidst the vast expanse of the night,

In galaxies' swirls, in their flight,

The universe whispers of love's trace,

In each celestial, shimmering embrace.

Through nebulas' mist, in their grand design,

God's love enfolds, a tapestry so fine,

Each planet, each comet, finds its place,

In the arms of the cosmos' grace.

In the twinkle of every distant star,

In the meteor's flash from afar,

God's whispers echo, leave no trace,

But in their embrace, they leave a grace.

From the birth of time to its endless span,

In the hug of galaxies that began,

The cosmos cradles with tender grace,

In the vastness of its loving embrace.

In the quiet hush of the lunar glow,

In the auroras' dance, in their vibrant flow,

God's fingers paint with ethereal lace,

A celestial canvas, a sacred space.

In the pulsar's rhythm, in its beat,

In the Milky Way's spiral, oh so fleet,

God's heartbeat echoes in every case,

In the cosmic hug's infinite embrace.

So gaze up high, oh mortal one,

In the starlit sky, under the sun,

Feel the warmth, feel the solace,

Of God's celestial, boundless embrace.

In moments of joy, in moments of sorrow,

In today's promise, in tomorrow's morrow,

God's love shines through, leaves a trace,

In the cosmic hug's endless embrace.

For in the grandeur of the celestial expanse,

In the cosmic ballet, in its advance,

God's love envelops, leaves its trace,

In the eternal, divine embrace.

In the quiet stillness of the cosmic night,

In the dance of galaxies, oh so bright,

Feel the love, feel the grace,

In God's celestial, endless embrace.

In the vast expanse where stars ignite,

God's embrace shines in celestial light,

A cosmic ballet, a divine embrace,

Each constellation, a story in space.

Behold the heavens, a canvas so grand,

Where galaxies swirl at God's command,

In the celestial dance, a cosmic trace,

A tapestry woven with divine grace.

From Orion's belt to the Milky Way's sweep,

In the cosmic rhythm, secrets seep,

In the twinkle of stars, a celestial hymn,

Whispers of eternity, where seraphim skim.

Moonbeams weave a tapestry bright,

In the velvety blanket of the night,

God's touch revealed in lunar lace,

A celestial kiss upon the face.

Planets pirouette in cosmic flight,

A symphony of orbs, a cosmic sight,

Each orbit a dance, each orbit a spin,

In celestial waltz, God's love within.

Neptune's blues and Mars' red hue,

Saturn's rings in a cosmic queue,

Jupiter's might, a colossal embrace,

God's artistry in infinite space.

In the sun's warm rays that gently kiss,

The Earth, in its celestial bliss,

God's embrace felt in every ray,

A celestial warmth that guides the day.

In meteor showers, a cosmic parade,

Streaks of light in the night cascade,

God's whispers heard in each fiery trace,

A celestial spectacle, a divine embrace.

In the silence of the cosmic deep,

Where constellations their secrets keep,

God's presence lingers, serene and vast,

An eternal hug, transcending the past.

Through cosmic dust and cosmic sea,

In the cosmic dance, we're wild and free,

A celestial embrace, eternal and true,

God's love enfolding me and you.

So gaze upon the celestial sphere,

Feel the cosmic hug drawing near,

In the celestial embrace, souls align,

God's love, eternal and divine.

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