Divine Tapestry Poem Lyrics in English

 In the loom of existence, where threads converge,

God weaves a tapestry, a divine surge,

A masterpiece spun with celestial art,

Each thread a story, stitched from the heart.

Threads of hope in hues of gold,

Through trials and triumphs, they unfold,

In the fabric of life, they entwine,

God's handiwork, an intricate design.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,

Threads of resilience reach the sky,

In every challenge, in every test,

God's tapestry reveals its best.

Threads of love in shades so pure,

In every embrace, in every cure,

Binding souls in a timeless bond,

God's love, an eternal beyond.

Threads of laughter in vibrant hue,

In moments shared, in friendships true,

A tapestry woven with joyous seams,

God's joy shining in our dreams.

Through seasons changing, threads align,

In autumn's gold or summer's shine,

In winter's frost or spring's embrace,

God's tapestry weaves in grace.

Threads of faith, unwavering and strong,

Through trials and storms, they belong,

Guiding hearts through darkest night,

God's faith, a beacon of light.

Threads of compassion, soft and kind,

In every gesture, in every mind,

Weaving a world of empathy,

God's compassion, a symphony.

In the mosaic of cultures, threads unite,

In diversity's dance, in colors bright,

Each thread a story, a vibrant part,

God's unity, a tapestry of heart.

Threads of wisdom, in patterns clear,

Guiding paths, dispelling fear,

In every lesson, in every sage,

God's wisdom, an eternal page.

Through every sorrow, every delight,

Threads interlace, shimmering in light,

In every moment, in every plea,

God's tapestry, a sight to see.

In the silence of night, in the dawn's embrace,

Threads intertwine, in infinite space,

In every breath, in every trace,

God's divine tapestry, a sacred grace.

So marvel at this tapestry divine,

Where threads of life intricately entwine,

In every stitch, in every part,

God's masterpiece, a work of art.

In this fabric of existence, we're each a thread,

Woven together, by love we're led,

In God's grand tapestry, we find our place,

Bound by grace, in eternal embrace.

In the loom of existence, a tapestry unfolds,

Woven by hands divine, its story never grows old,

A masterpiece of time, a sight to behold,

God's artistry in every thread, a story untold.

Each thread, a moment, a life, a dream,

Intricately woven, a divine scheme,

The warp and weft of joy and sorrow,

In God's hands, a brighter tomorrow.

From the first light that kissed the morn,

To the twilight's hush where stars are born,

God's fingers trace each delicate line,

In the fabric of life, a design so fine.

In the gentle breeze that whispers through trees,

In the dance of leaves, carried by the breeze,

God's touch caresses, subtle and grand,

In every stitch across the land.

Mountains rise and valleys swoon,

A landscape painted beneath the moon,

God's palette of colors, vibrant and true,

In the tapestry, a breathtaking view.

Through seasons that cycle, a constant flow,

Spring's tender buds to winter's snow,

God's rhythm beats in harmony,

In the divine tapestry for all to see.

In the laughter of children, pure and bright,

In tears shed on the darkest night,

God's presence lingers, a guiding spark,

In every fiber, a love leaves its mark.

In the symphony of diverse faces,

Every race, every creed, all the places,

God's unity weaves a vibrant blend,

In the tapestry, our differences transcend.

Through triumph and loss, in hope and despair,

God's hands weave a pattern beyond compare,

A mosaic of stories, each life entwined,

In the divine tapestry of humankind.

In the tender touch of a helping hand,

In the bonds that link us, a woven band,

God's compassion knits hearts together,

In the tapestry, through stormy weather.

In the silence that speaks in whispered prose,

In the strength that in adversity grows,

God's wisdom sewn in lessons learned,

In the fabric of life, a truth discerned.

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