Astral Lullaby Poem Lyrics in English

In the realm where stars bestow their light,

God whispers softly in the astral night,

A cosmic lullaby in the heavens' embrace,

Each twinkling star, a note of grace.

In the celestial ballet, a stellar ballet,

God orchestrates a lullaby in astral array,

Each planet a chord, each comet a trace,

In the astral lullaby, God's love we embrace.

In the moon's soft glow, a soothing hymn,

God's serenade in the celestial rim,

A gentle melody in the lunar face,

In the astral lullaby, a divine embrace.

In the cosmic dance of auroras' play,

God's symphony in the night's display,

Each hue that dances, each vibrant lace,

In the astral lullaby, God's beauty we chase.

In the whispers heard from afar,

God's tender voice, a guiding star,

A melody carried through time and space,

In the astral lullaby, God's love we embrace.

In the quiet hum of the cosmic void,

God's lullaby, an eternal chord,

A calming presence, a tranquil grace,

In the astral lullaby, a sacred place.

In the cosmic winds that softly sigh,

God's song of peace, as they float by,

A rhythm that soothes, a cosmic trace,

In the astral lullaby, God's calming embrace.

In the twinkling stars, a celestial choir,

God's hymn of love, rising higher and higher,

Each note a promise, each melody's base,

In the astral lullaby, God's presence we trace.

In the meteor's streak across the night,

God's fleeting verse, a celestial light,

A shooting star's wish, a cosmic grace,

In the astral lullaby, God's blessings we embrace.

In the silence that blankets the cosmic sphere,

God's lullaby, crystal clear,

A harmony profound, a gentle pace,

In the astral lullaby, God's love we embrace.

In the cradle of night where dreams unfold,

God's lullaby, a story untold,

A melody that carries through time and space,

In the astral lullaby, God's infinite embrace.

Upon the cosmic shores, where stars align,

God composes an astral lullaby, divine,

A serene melody woven through space,

In each celestial note, a soothing grace.

In the twilight's wane, as dusk descends,

God's astral lullaby gently tends,

A celestial choir sings in tranquil space,

In the twilight's hush, God's embrace.

In the cradle of the crescent moon's embrace,

God whispers dreams in the night's solace,

A silver gleam on the sky's vast face,

In the lunar lullaby, God's grace.

In the dance of meteors across the night,

God's symphony weaves in trails of light,

A cosmic ballet, a waltz in pace,

In the meteoric lullaby, God's embrace.

In the shimmering of stars, a cosmic dance,

God's lullaby sung in each celestial glance,

A serene chorus in the cosmic race,

In the stellar lullaby, God's embrace.

In the silence between the cosmic spheres,

God's lullaby whispers away all fears,

A cosmic hush, a tranquil space,

In the silent lullaby, God's grace.

In the sway of nebulae, hues so vast,

God's symphony, a cosmic contrast,

A palette of colors in the cosmic case,

In the nebulous lullaby, God's embrace.

In the cradle of planets that gently spin,

God's cosmic melody, a celestial hymn,

A cosmic orchestra in orbits' chase,

In the planetary lullaby, God's grace.

In the cosmic abyss where silence thrives,

God's lullaby in the universe thrives,

A timeless chant in endless space,

In the cosmic lullaby, God's embrace.

In the whisper of comets, a fleeting choir,

God's astral lullaby, a cosmic fire,

A celestial echo in cosmic grace,

In the comet's lullaby, God's embrace.

In the celestial reverie that dreams accrue,

God's lullaby weaves in the fabric so true,

A timeless harmony, an infinite place,

In the astral lullaby, God's grace.

In the twilight's fade, as stars alight,

God's celestial lullaby takes flight,

A cosmic serenade, a tranquil trace,

In the astral lullaby, God's embrace.

In the cosmic symphony that eternity weaves,

God's lullaby whispers, the universe heaves,

A cosmic peace in boundless space,

In the astral lullaby, God's embrace.

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