Eternal Whispers Poem Lyrics in English

 In the realm where silence breathes,

Eternal whispers grace the air,

God's lyrics, woven in cosmic beams,

A symphony of love beyond compare.

In whispers soft, the stars converse,

Their twinkling tales across the skies,

Each glimmer, a verse in the universe,

Painting night's canvas with celestial ties.

The moon, a silent sentinel above,

Serenades earth with a gentle glow,

Its lustrous beams, a chorus of love,

In each shimmer, a divine echo.

Mountains stand tall, their peaks ascend,

Carrying secrets whispered by the wind,

Nature's hymn, a melody without end,

In rustling leaves, the divine chimes pinned.

In oceans' depths, where mysteries lie,

God's lyrics resonate in waves' embrace,

A dance of tides beneath the sky,

Echoing His presence, a boundless grace.

Within the hearts that beat in time,

A sacred rhythm, a pulsating rhyme,

God's lyrics etched in every chime,

A soulful melody, an eternal paradigm.

In laughter shared and tears that fall,

In kindness shown and love entwined,

God's lyrics echo, embracing all,

In human tales, His essence enshrined.

In temples, mosques, and sacred halls,

In prayers whispered, in chants profound,

God's lyrics echo through hallowed walls,

A symphony of faith, in every sound.

From ancient scrolls to modern lore,

In scriptures penned and tales retold,

God's lyrics transcend, forevermore,

In wisdom's essence, a truth untold.

So, listen close to the cosmic song,

Eternal whispers, where you belong,

God's lyrics, in each heartbeat strong,

A timeless melody, forever prolonged.

In the symphony of life's grand scheme,

In every moment, a sacred seam,

God's lyrics shine, a radiant beam,

Infinite love, the ultimate dream.

In the silent murmur of the breeze,

Where whispers echo through the trees,

Lies the voice of the Eternal One,

A symphony of whispers, never undone.

In the tapestry of life's grand design,

God's lyrics weave, oh so fine,

Each word a verse, each moment spun,

In melodies that rise with the sun.

From the dawning light to twilight's gleam,

In every ripple upon the stream,

The universe, a canvas divine,

Painted with whispers, so serpentine.

Amidst the chaos, amidst the peace,

God's whispers never seem to cease,

Guiding souls through trials unknown,

In each hushed word, a love is shown.

In the laughter of a newborn's cry,

In the tear that falls from sorrow's eye,

In the song of birds upon the wing,

God's lyrics in all beauty sing.

Through the mountains towering high,

And in the lows where rivers sigh,

Whispers echo, strong and true,

A constant hymn, a sacred brew.

In the heart that seeks, in the spirit free,

God's whispers carry, like a gentle plea,

To seek the truth, to find the light,

To walk in love, to embrace the night.

In the tender touch of a loving hand,

In the grains of sand upon the land,

In the symphony of the cosmos above,

God's whispers sing of endless love.

So listen close, oh wandering soul,

Let the whispers guide and make you whole,

For in each breath, in every chord,

God's eternal whispers are adored.

In moments grand and moments small,

In every rise, in every fall,

God's lyrics dance in timeless rhyme,

Eternal whispers, through all of time.

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